The Groups wholly owned subsidiary, Plantation Resources Pte Ltd (PRPL) is involved in the business of plantation development. PRPL possesses the rights to develop 100,000 acres of contiguous agricultural land on the Maw Tin estate located in the Ayerwaddy Division of Myanmar.
Currently Jatropha Curcas is the main produce of the estate, accounting for less than 2,000 acres. The Group sees an increasing demand for jatropha oil as the biodiesel component required in diesel usage as stipulated by international pacts concerning environmental issues. With the advent of new technology, more efficient methods of extracting jatropha oil are also being developed. While the existing planted acreage of jatropha at the Maw Tin Estate has yet to reach a commercial scale, the Group continues to procure seeds via collection of small third party plantations in order to meet the demand.
While the Group continues to grow its production and trade in Jatropha Curcas oil (JCO) and seeds slowly and steadily, it also has embarked on a review of the various options that will maximise the returns on the Groups investments in PRPL, which includes exploring possibilities of developing other plantations. A number of other crops are being experimented on to see if they are viable to be planted in the existing terrain at Maw Tin Estate. The Group will also look into opportunities to plant other revenue generating agricultural products such as rubber,eucalyptus and spices.
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